Pradhan mantri Kausal Vikas Yojna (PMKVY) -Key Components

PMKVY is the flagship scheme of the ministry of skill development and Entrepreneurship (MSPE).

The objective of the skill certification scheme is to enable a large number of Indian youth to take up industry- relevant skill training that will help them in securing a better livelihood. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills will also be assessed and certified under Recognition of prior Learning (RPL).

The scheme will be implemented through the National Skill Development Corporation Key Components of scheme (NSDC):-

1. Short term Training:
  • Is expected to benefit candidates of Indian Nationality who are either school/college drop outs or unemployed.
  • According to National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), PMKVY Training center's shall also impart training in soft skills, Entrepreneurship, financial and Digital Literacy.
  • Duration of training varies per job role, ranging between 150 and 300 hours.
  • Trainings imported under the shirt Term Training component of the scheme shall be NSQF Level 5 and below.
2. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): 
  • Individuals with Prior Learning experience or skills shall be assessed and certified under the RPL component of scheme.
  • Three Project Types:  A. RPL Camps   B. RPL at Employers Prewiser     C. RPL Central. 
  • Implementation is being done by project Implementing Agencies (PIA), Such as Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) or any other agencies designated by MSDE/NSDC.

3. Special Projects
  • Its envisages the oreation of a platform that will facilitate trainings in special areas and/or premises of Government Bodies, Corporate or Industry bodies, and training in the special job roles not defined under the avilable Qualification packs (QP)/ National Occupational Standards (NOSs).
  • These are projects that require some deviation from T & C of short term Trainings.
  • Proposing state holder can be either Government Institutions of central and state Government/ Autonomous body/ Statuatory Body or any other equivalent body or Corporate who desine to provided training to candidates.
4. Kaushal and Rozgar Mela:
  • TPs shall Conduct Kaushal and Rozgar Melas every six month with press/ media Coverage;
  • They are also required to participate actively in National Career Service Melas and on- ground activities.
5. Placement Guidelines:
  • PMKVY envisages to link the aptitude, aspiration, and knowledge of the skilled workforce it creates with employment opportunities and demands in the market. 
6. Monitoring Guidelines :
  • NSDC and empanded Inspection Agencies shall use various methodologies, Such as self - audit reporting , call validations, Surprise visits, and monitoring through the skill Development Management system (SPMS).
